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The Judicial System in a Modern Democracy

At the invitation of the British High Commission in Nicosia, and in conjunction with Public Administration International (PAI), the Slynn Foundation held a virtual seminar for the judiciary and legal profession, engaging with each group over half a day.

Slynn Foundation Trustee, The Rt. Hon. Sir Stephen Irwin, chaired presenters from the senior judiciary of England and Wales, and leading specialist members of the legal profession who discussed topics including Case Management, Listings, Commercial Courts, Wellbeing and Vulnerable Witnesses, and shared their extensive knowledge and experience with an audience from the Judiciary and members of the legal profession. The sessions were well received and interaction between delegates and speakers resulted in valuable exchanges regarding current systems and new developments.

We would like to thank our hosts at the British High Commission, colleagues at PAI and our speakers:

The Rt Hon. Sir Stephen Irwin (Chair and speaker)

The Hon. Sir Simon Picken

HHJ Angela Rafferty QC

Amanda Pinto QC

Michael Tame

PAI is a UK based international development consultancy and development organisation which was established in 1995. PAI works to strengthen governance and support policy makers, judges and court administrators, regulators and public sector managers. PAI has been collaborating with the British High Commission in Nicosia for over fifteen years.

The Slynn Foundation is a UK based charity working with senior judges and justice institutions around the world to enhance the rule of law, and to improve professional understanding of human rights, mediation and legal practice

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